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Salesforce is a global company serving over 150,000 businesses. Ubiquitous amongst the financial institutions this is a PaaS offering that operates to a high level of scrutiny, security and compliance. As a service it relies on the trust of its users and is therefore impelled to drive reliability, accuracy and accountability. We too rely on trust from our customers, so choosing a PaaS offering that takes data security seriously was a fundamental prerequisite. Salesforce’s utilisation of advanced technology and processes to ensure the security of sensitive data and their extremely industrial approach to the management of their data facilities scattered across the globe is crucial to our operations.
To read more about the platform credentials and the relevance compliance certifications click here.
Click ‘Login’ .
Here you’ll see the link ‘forgot your password?’. Click the link and follow the prompts.
For further details, see our HelpCentre article.
This is the default category that all investors fall under.
A retail investor is a non-professional investor trading for their own personal accounts.
Any offers on our website are open to retail investors, unless labeled ‘wholesale’.
For more info check out our Help Centre article.
Wholesale investor is a term used in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, to describe a person (or business) with a good understanding of different investment vehicles and how they work. There are four ways to qualify as a “wholesale investor”: an eligible investor, large investor, investment business, or investment activity.
See our Help Centre article for more detail, including how you can qualify as a wholesale investor.
To invest in wholesale opportunities with Syndex, an investor is required to hold a current wholesale certificate.
To apply for a certificate an investor needs to first register with Syndex: Select 'Register here' in the menu.
Once you are registered, navigate to your profile and 'certifications'. Click the box to create a wholesale certificate.
Gaining a certificate is achieved through following the prompts and, in the case of eligible investor certification, selecting the appropriate financial products (equity, debt, derivatives and/or MIS) the investor is certifying for. In a fully automated process, the certificate application is sent to the verifying lawyer/advisor and duly updated on return. Certificates supersede outdated versions, but with easy access to recorded certificate history.
This online wholesale certification process is fully aligned with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and works for wholesale investors, in particular, eligible investors in achieving certified status in-line with clause 7 of part 1 of the act.
For further detail and a step by step guide see our HelpCentre article.
Proportional ownership is the concept of people pooling their financial resources and expertise to make an investment or acquire an asset for mutual benefit. Proportional ownership schemes have been formed to invest in anything and everything ranging from real estate and aircrafts, to horses, boats, forestry, patents and, of course, start-ups or early stage companies.
Crowdfunding is another form of proportional ownership that is growing rapidly around the world and operates by many people (the crowd) contributing relatively small amounts of money to support a business or project. Equity crowdfunding is one of the three main categories of crowdfunding, and is designed to raise growth funds for businesses. Once they’ve invested, investors typically hold a share of the company. The other categories are Rewards and Debt crowdfunding.
Here at Syndex we refer to all the different types of proportional ownership schemes simply as “Issues” as this term fully encompasses the wide variety of investment structures across the Primary, Secondary and Investment Opportunities Markets.
Syndex is a marketplace where organisations and individuals investing in or offering proportionally-owned assets can access the infrastructure and tools that enable them to easily communicate, manage and trade their assets.
The benefits for investors include:
Liquidity for easy entry and exit: Access to a wider choice of investment opportunities, with a secondary market that ensures you can easily cash up at a time that suits you.
More informed decisions: Trade with confidence using price discovery and access to the Issue’s latest news, as well as rich reports on portfolio and asset performance. Our market alerts ensure you are always up-to-date with relevant market activity.
Convenience of completing identification process just once: Reduce time and effort by completing the ‘Know Your Client’ identification process online. You are then free to trade any assets without having to repeat the process.
Secure and trusted: Peace of mind knowing that counter-parties comply with ‘Know your Client’ (Anti-Money Laundering) processes.
Speed and reliability: Settlement processes ensure that trading and settlement is fast, fair, reliable and available 24x7 anywhere, on any device.
Communities of like-minded people: Collaborate, share information and trade assets with investors that share your interests, and take advantage of our full suite of social tools to connect with your peers and service providers in real time.
Syndex is designed to host a significant number of proportionately-owned and alternative investment opportunities that are not available via mainstream or more traditional investment managers.
Traditionally, these common-interest markets have been fragmented, difficult and time-consuming to access and participate in, and often come with a lack of transparency, liquidity and price discovery. New digital technologies, such as Syndex’s online markets, are dramatically changing this investment sector by enabling easy online access to alternative, private markets.
Syndex is continually sourcing new opportunities from a range of Issuers to provide you with a wide choice of investment options spanning commercial real estate, agriculture, forestry and private equity.
The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 – or “AML”, as it’s more commonly known is part of a worldwide initiative to crack down on illegal activities, including money laundering and terrorism. New Zealand is held in high regard internationally as one of the least corrupt countries, and also a great place to do business.
The new rules have been introduced to safeguard that reputation and to play our part in combating global crime. The Act requires us to verify the identity of all new investors. If you are a NZ citizen or resident this is a very simple process that involves the digital collection of one piece of ID.
All investors need to be registered with Syndex in order to apply, bid or transact on our listings.
Registration is required once, as opposed to every transaction, saving you time and paperwork.
Online registering is simple and easy. We’ll collect a few details from you and we ask that you upload a piece of ID (passport, driver’s license etc). We conduct a few background checks before emailing you your account confirmation, generally within 24 hours. If you are a non-resident of New Zealand there are some additional requirements.
The above checks are required as prescribed by New Zealand's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 .
An investment memorandum is a legal document that a company presents to potential investors to explain the objectives, risks, and investment terms surrounding a funding round.
An offer document covers all the relevant information to help an investor to make his/her investment decision.
There are no fees associated with selling or buying on the Secondary Market.
There are no other fees associated with using your Syndex Investor Portal.
Payment for successful Secondary Market trade is peer-to-peer and conducted directly between buyer and seller.
Syndex is hosted in the cloud and is accessible on any device, anywhere you have an internet or wireless connection. You simply login and make your offers or bids anytime, anywhere. You do not need to download or install any software or applications.
To see wholesale offers within your investor portal you must be wholesale certified.
To find out how to become certified see the question "How do I become a wholesale investor?' above.
All offers, wholesale or otherwise, can be viewed on the website - see Markets
The Secondary Market is a peer-to-peer market where participants can buy and sell shares in investments listed on Syndex.
Investment managers engage with Syndex to utilise this market. To facilitate trading, they must provide disclosure information, which supports informed decision-making. This typically includes quarterly reports, product disclosure statements, and trading history.
You can view our secondary market guides in our HelpCentre:
Other guides are available in the Help Centre.
The Primary Market is for new issues that are being offered to the market by issuers, or for existing issues that have issued new units or shares. Issuers are required to provide disclosure information in the form of an Information Memorandum or Product Disclosure Statement, and any other documents that will support the decision making process in terms of acquiring units or shares in the Issue.
As a registered Account Holder, you are able to use a simple, digital process to apply for the units or shares on offer without needing to complete either the Anti-Money Laundering or investor certification processes.
You can view our applications guide here: Applying for New Offers on the Primary Market
View other guides in our Help Centre.
The Investment Opportunities Market is for Issuers who are offering you an opportunity to invest in a new offer, the units or shares of which are yet to be issued. These offers could range from a simple gauging of investor interest in an intended investment initiative, through to subscribing for an allocation of units or shares in a capital raising initiative. The underlying process for this market would be an expression of interest to participate or acquire a quantum of units or shares in the Issue.
The expression of interest process is typically coordinated via a professional intermediary working on behalf of, or in conjunction with, the offering Issuer.
Click 'Register Interest' on the issue and follow the prompts. You'll be asked to leave your contact details so you can be contacted by the offering Issuer.
We know that there are many businesses out there with the skill and capability to grow our economy, but accessing capital is hard and can halt growth. We also know of great businesses where the owners are looking to transition ownership to new owners or investors.
Connecting businesses with investors is a big part of what we do.
To raise capital using Syndex, you need to work with an approved Syndex intermediary or advisor. These partnerships allow us to maintain the high standards of our ‘fair, efficient and transparent marketplace’. A financial advisor can assist with these needs or we can direct you to one of our partners.
The Intermediary/advisor assume responsibility for all Issue documentation (Offering Document) that will be presented via the Markets, which may include but not be limited to:
a. Investment flier or booklet
b. Information memorandum ("IM")
c. Financial reports, projections and information
They would also ensure that as an Issuer of Financial Products, you are aware of ongoing obligations in terms of:
a. The Financial Markets Conduct Act
b. your Issue to investors, and
c. Syndex Market Rules
and being the primary point of contact for all inquiries for listings.
The Offering Document can range between a three-four page Investment Flier to a full IM.
The Offering Document would be listed on Syndex's 'Investment Opportunities' market. Once your Issue is on the marketplace you’re connecting with thousands of potential investors. Interested parties would be invited to register interest, outlining likely $ investment and potentially providing other relevant information which may help assess the alignment and skills offered by a new investor.
You and your advisors would enter into due-diligence and negotiations with preferred parties with a view to agreeing price/shareholding and ownership structure/governance/shareholder roles etc. and ultimately reach an agreement.
For more information on partnering with us please contact us.
Syndex’s role is to provide a common, go-to place for investors that have an interest in investing and trading in private or alternative, proportionally-owned assets.
Syndex doesn’t create or offer any kind of investment product to the market and is totally committed to working collaboratively with Issuers to the benefit of investors.
Syndex offers a number of benefits to issuers:
Efficiencies: Providing administration services to help with registry, record keeping, compliance and regulatory issues (AML/CFT, FMCA). Capability to calculate and manage distributions.
Investor relations and communication: Tools to deliver performance and market information, and undertake corporate actions; ensuring your shareholders are well informed.
CRM functionality: Flexible tools for management and direct engagement with investors.
Liquidity: Secondary market options to attract and retain investors - a point of difference when competing for capital.
Access to capital: Over 2500 independent Syndex investors seeking alternative investment opportunities.
Each onboarding experience is different and is dependent on a number of factors. Companies take on different parts of the platform, tailoring the product to their specific needs. The components and their preparation for use can differ.
The aim of our onboarding process is to move through a number of roll-out phases ending with the customer being confident and comfortable with using the platform. We really believe in our product and want our users to get the most out of it, using all the functionalities and appreciating the simplicity of what’s been built. Ultimately it’s this simplicity that will reduce their administrative time, and provide a great level of service to their investing customers.
To read about the process we follow to get our customers up and running see our onboarding fact file here.
We believe our pricing is extremely fair and reasonable, especially considering the service provided, the quality of the user experience and the time you and your team will save day to day on what can be fairly mundane and manual tasks. We also have a pricing model that is based on the size of your business, client numbers, revenue, quality and extent of your existing data and a bunch of other factors we can talk you through.
The best bet is to get in touch with us today for a free demo and following that, we will provide you with a quote once we know more about your business.
Yes, we have a service agreement and offer what we believe fits a range of businesses of all sizes and maturity. We have clients from across the spectrum, ranging from forward thinking start-ups who want their clients to have a seamless, paperless and intuitive application, onboarding and ongoing management experience - to mature businesses who have realised that it is well and truly time to get off Excel.
Our platform suits businesses of all sizes, from small businesses looking to rapidly grow their shareholder databases to large corporate enterprises.
Yes, we like to think that our sales cycle differs from some of our competitors. Contact us for a free demo today, and rest assured - if you don't think we can cater to your needs or we're just not the right fit for each other, we can both move on. No hard feelings!
Syndex currently provides its services in Australia and New Zealand. In each jurisdiction, core services, like anti-money laundering and investor certification, are consistent with the in-force legislative framework of the jurisdiction concerned.
An online platform for the private marketplace, enabling investing, divesting and capital raising in proportionally owned structures.
© Syndex Limited - All Rights Reserved
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