10 reasons to offer liquidity

Liquidity is a perceived barrier to the private markets. Syndex has proved that it doesn’t have to be - we have numerous happy issuers and investors who have benefited from our tried and tested markets.

Give outgoing shareholders a fair and transparent exit.

Allow owners to sell down as part of succession planning.

Bring in new investors.

Assist in the transition period to public listing.

Better meet FMA obligations by offering liquidity.

Showcase the demand for the company funds and assets.

Grow your pool of potential investors.

Avoid unattractive asset sales off the back of frozen redemptions.

Offer additional comfort to new investors, knowing they can exit if they need to.

Keep shareholders engaged.

Meeting the needs of investors’ personal circumstances

Working example

In a challenging economic environment Syndex clients have recognised that the needs of some of their investors have changed as increasing requests for redemptions of units come through. As a result they have began employing the use of periodic trading events, where investors can buy or sell their fund units at monthly intervals. In doing so, the fund managers are able to meet the needs of those investors looking for cash with a reduced need to sell assets, but also ensure the investors with a longer term view who want to retain or increase their holding are happy too.

This market operates as a trading event or auction.
These events open, and then close, within a defined period. Customisable, this market is suitable for shares, units, commodities or other proportional investments. There are a range of parameters we can adjust, including price floor/ceiling, timing of bids/offers, seller eligibility, existing/new buyers and intervals.

The Syndex platform is used for all stages of the auction from the set-up, pre-auction and open, through to the blind close, matching and settlement.

The final touches include simultaneous execution, allocation and scaling, sending settlement instructions, generating reports and completing the transfer of ownership. The trading results are immediately presented to market participants in their portal.

Upgrade to the Pro version to synchronise the market with the share registry, investor portal and investor communications system.

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Peer-to-peer trading in a self-service model.
Participants buy and sell when they like, based on market demand. Investment managers support this facility by providing continuous disclosure information to the market. The live market functionality facilitates partial and multiple order matching with intuitive site navigation.

This market works in conjunction with our investment management module and the investor portal. This integration offers efficiencies that reduce administration and errors, and enhance customer communication.

Online application forms and AML processing are all part of the Syndex Investment Management package.

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