Leveraging fund administration software for lower costs and enhanced performance
The right software can make your fund administration efficient and underpin your compliance programme, giving you peace of mind and ensuring a cost effective solution to the gamit of tasks you need done.
Partnering with the right provider can help you take things to the next level. Help sourcing investors, tips on structuring your fund to tweak up those returns without adding to the admin burden and working through business processes are all aspects you should be considering when choosing your fund admin platform.
When you are looking to launch your limited partnership or have it underway you’re probably most focussed on managing the investments, with only a side of compliance focus. This admin work is usually in the “got to do it” pile, coming last in the list of priorities.
The admin is often not seen as a source of competitive advantage or a way to tweak up returns - but it can be. Reducing your admin burden at the same time, not increasing it, is the added benefit.
As a manager of a limited partnership, you’re likely a small team and jacks of all trades, with a speciality in the investment area your fund invests in. But you and your team have to wear a lot of hats - salesperson, compliance manager, investor relations expert, accountant, and more.
Administration covers a myriad of areas, each with a large number of tasks. From launching the fund when you’re tracking prospects, getting them signed up and compliance checks to running the fund and keeping investors informed, there is a lot to pull together.
You have a lot of regulatory obligations as a fund manager so you want peace of mind that your system is supporting you and your team in this.

The Syndex system is your only option to bring together all these aspects in a proven solution - registry, investor communications, compliance, markets and an investor portal for them to self-serve. And it’s not just about the market leading software solutions, it’s the unparalleled expertise you get when partnering with us.
Launching the fund
- Tracking your prospects
- Getting application forms signed
- Completing investor AML/CFT requirements
- Completing wholesale investor requirements
- Tracking the receipt of money
- Issuing the LP interests
Ongoing fund administration
- Maintaining the register of limited partners
- Calling capital
- Equalisation payments for partners that join later
- Capital repayments
- Running distributions
- Annual tax reports for limited partners
- Distributing annual financial reports
- Monthly or quarterly fund updates for investors
- Responding to investor queries on their holdings
Secondary market
- Managing offers to sell
- Marketing to existing and potential investors
- Connecting traders
- Completing investor AML/CFT requirements if it’s a new investor
- Executing the trade
Contact us for a demo of any of these tasks, or ask us about a task that takes you too long to do, frustrates you or is prone to errors. We might have that covered too!